Thursday, September 29, 2011

US Labor Department awards more than $21 million in Disability Employment Initiative funding to 7 states.

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced $21,166,560 for seven states under the Disability Employment Initiative to improve education, training, and employment opportunities and outcomes for youth and adults who are unemployed, underemployed and/or receiving Social Security disability benefits. The initiative is jointly funded and administered by the department's Employment and Training Administration and its Office of Disability Employment Policy.

"During these difficult economic times, it is important to ensure that all workers, including those with disabilities – who as a group face employment barriers even during times of prosperity – are able to benefit from the Labor Department's employment and retraining services," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "These federal grants will help to provide services and support to individuals with disabilities in seven additional states, and put them on the path to permanent and secure jobs."

Ya know, It's wonderful to see the disabled receiving well needed financial support toward securing better job opportunities. I do hope that this money is not being spread too thin by extending it into sectors such as "Medicaid Infrastructure Grant-supported activities, independent living centers, business leadership networks, and other community and nonprofit organizations". Make sure to put the money to use for the disabled and not "collaborations"

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